
Project One:

Project to Create Habitant Ecclesia Chapters/Congregations

Objective of Project: Participants create Habitant Ecclesia chapters or congregations to encourage and support the broader practice of the Ten Pillars of the Habitant Ecclesia. See below for various creative concepts of buildings and other structures, although a simple meeting room will also suffice.

Project Two:

Project to Create an Administrative Board (for handling of all HE funds, expenditures and funding activities)

Objective of Project:  Means of oversight for assuring the integrity and regular legal order of HE, as well as its financial sustainability.

Project Three:

Project to assist in creating and providing audio-video media equipment and services for hospice comfort therapy and meditation

Project Four:

A project that provides Internet viewers a Habitant Ecclesia site and other web sites for streaming slide shows of evocative scenes, accompanied by ethereal music, that elicits a profound sense of reverence and compassion for mediation sessions.

Project Five:

Project to create and Operations Office for the HE (the Habitant Ecclesia as a whole)

Objective of the Project:  Creation of a “corporate board” and “headquarters office” to execute the leadership and operational activities for the growth of the HE.

Project Six:

Projects to encourage, promote, and facilitate HE practitioners’ philanthropic activities in furtherance of their adherence to the practice of The Ten Pillars.

Project Seven:

An ongoing project to raise additional funding for NGOs (non-profit organizations that are non-government organizations, such as Doctors without Borders, etc.) that provide emergency and other intervention medical services to distraught populations. The concept is that artists donate art pieces for posting for sale, for bid processes and for fund-raising events—where the “sale” proceeds go directly from the “buyer” to the recipient NGO(s).

Project Eight:

A project to raise additional funding for NGOs (non-profit organizations that are non-government organizations, such as Doctors without Borders, etc.) that provide emergency and other intervention medical services to deprived populations. The concept is that artists donate art pieces for posting for sale, for bid processes and for fund-raising events—where the “sale” proceeds go directly from the “buyer” to the recipient NGO(s).

Project Nine:

A project to create organizations that provide dehydrated and freeze-dried and other forms of soup mixes to NGOs for their distribution to their volunteers and other recipients who are helping them or others with public service, humanitarian and economic development and relief projects. Donors of the ingredients and other components of the projects are to be sought.

Project Ten:

A project to encourage governments to create memorial funds, with accompanying legislation, that provide memorial, hero award and recognition services—such as payment for funerary and gravesite services and materials, to those deceased persons who have donated their organs for transplant to medical patients.  


H.E. Chanter Groups Project

There is a way to read poetry by use of a back and forth, responsive or alternating of readers, with different readers reading succeeding verses of poetry. This can create a more interesting and entertaining presentation—not to mention protecting the readers from exhausting their voices.

In addition, if a “chanting” style, as some more modern modification of the Gregorian song-like “chant,” is used, this can be quite dramatic.The basic idea, which I will call “responsive, chant presentation,” is depicted in the accompanying illustration.

As an author/artist I have five books of poetry and hundreds of pieces of art that I have created. I propose use of these in a stage presentation using the “chanting” style described above. Examples of my poetry are attached.

Others participating in “Habitant Ecclesia chant groups,” (or “H.E. Chanter” groups) may find or compose poems appropriate for this purpose. The formation of such groups is to be encouraged.



Attachment to Project Eleven

Illustration for PROJECT ELEVEN